Video Archive

  • Solar System’s First Interstellar Visitor Dazzles Scientists

    Astronomers recently scrambled to observe an intriguing asteroid that zipped through the solar system on a steep trajectory from interstellar space—the first confirmed object from another star.

  • These may be the world’s first images of dogs—and they’re wearing leashes

    Carved into a sandstone cliff on the edge of a bygone river in the Arabian Desert, a hunter draws his bow for the kill. He is accompanied by 13 dogs, each with its own coat markings; two animals have lines running from their necks to the man’s waist.

  • ASTRONAUT CAUGHT trying to hide UFOS near ISS on LIVE STREAM

    ASTRONAUT CAUGHT trying to hide UFOS near ISS on LIVE STREAM

  • Sounds of Saturn: Evidence of Communication between Saturn, Its Rings and Enceladus via Plasma Waves

    NASA’s Cassini spacecraft’s high-inclination Grand Finale orbits offered an unprecedented new view of Saturn and its environment. New research from the Grand Finale phase shows a powerful and dynamic interaction of plasma waves moving from the gas giant to its rings and its sixth-largest moon, Enceladus.