Video Archive

  • Huge Fireball over Northeastern US

    690 Reports The AMS has received nearly 700 reports so far about a fireball event over Northeastern US on May 17th 2016 around 12:50am EDT (4:50 UT). The fireball was seen primarily from Maine but witnesses from Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ontario (Canada) and Québec (Canada) also

  • Incredible CE-5 Footage: The Bridge Experiment! (Phase 1)

    A great video from our good friend Jimmy B & Linda A Rohara on Phase 1 of the Bridge Experiment – A great initiative to further the peaceful contact process with our ET friends.

  • New remote-controlled microrobots for medical operations

    For the past few years, scientists around the world have been studying ways to use miniature robots to better treat a variety of diseases. The robots are designed to enter the human body, where they can deliver drugs at specificlocations or perform precise operations like clearing clogged-up arteries. By replacing invasive, often complicated surgery, they could optimize medicine.

  • Israeli Archaeologists Find Oldest Human Remains Out of Africa, From Nearly 200,000 Years Ago

    The discovery of a prehistoric human jawbone in a cave near Haifa pushes back the clock on the evolution of Homo sapiens and our ancestors’ first exodus out of Africa

  • Plain of Jars Mystery

    Photojournalist Jerry Redfern recently accompanied a team of archaeologists as they excavated at the Plain of Jars in Laos.

  • PRG seeking funds for Disclosure

    “This funding effort is in service to every citizen of every nation now convinced the world should not wait one more day for confirmation we are not alone is this universe. For 70 years this truth has been embargoed by your government. After 20 years of engagement of the issue, I know this embargo can end soon with your help.” Stephen Basset, Executive Director