NASA engineers are conducting tests to develop models for the Heliopause Electrostatic Rapid Transport System (HERTS) concept.
READ MOREUniversity of Kentucky Professor Brent Seales and his team have further unlocked writings in the ancient En-Gedi scroll — the first severely damaged, ink-based scroll to be unrolled and identified noninvasively. Through virtual unwrapping, they have revealed it to be the earliest copy of a Pentateuchal book — Leviticus — ever found in a Holy Ark.
READ MOREWould you risk death by buffalo to pull off a Bigfoot hoax? In this clip we see four big, furry somethings (Bigfoot) stalking four buffalo in Yellowstone National Park.
READ MOREUFO Seekers captured undeniable photographic evidence of UFOs on March 11, 2017.
READ MOREOn the 3rd of January one of UFO Today’s subscribers sent them this weird footage of UFO encounter.
READ MOREUFO hunters are convinced that they have spotted an alien spaceship taking off at Yellowstone National Park after witnessing a bright, pulsating light which was caught on a webcam live stream.