Video Archive

  • Mining complex on the moon? UFO hunter claims structures visible on lunar surface

    A UFO hunter claims to have spotted a mining complex on the surface of the Moon.

  • Arizona Man Sells His $6.5m Ranch Because Of Repeated Alien Attacks (Photo+Video)

    Arizona man puts property up for sale after being attacked by aliens. An American man has put his $5 million ranch on the property market claiming that he and his wife want to up sticks and move far away from the place because they are sick of the regular visitations they receive from aggressive extra-terrestrial beings.

  • Witness says Triangle UFO emitted sound of horns, trumpets

    A California witness at Davis reported watching and videotaping a triangle-shaped UFO as it slowly passed overhead that first emitted the sound of horns and trumpets playing, according to testimony in Case 43950 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness reported that his dog seemed anxious and he took it outside

  • NASA Spotted Huge Holes in the Sun, Are We in Trouble?

    Coronal Holes in our sun; is it something we should be worried about, or is it a natural phenomenon?