Video Archive

  • Spitzer and Hubble Telescopes Provide 3D Journey through Magnificent Orion Nebula

    By combining the visible and infrared capabilities of NASA’s Spitzer and NASA/ESA Hubble space telescopes, a team of specialists at NASA’s Universe of Learning program has created a spectacular, three-dimensional, fly-through movie of the famous Orion Nebula, a diffuse nebula in the constellation Orion.

  • Famous alien autopsy film confession reignites debate

    The man responsible for making what has become one of the most famous alleged alien films in the world recently spoke the the UK’s Metro News, admitting that he had created the video.

  • Residents of El Dorado Witness UFO Crash With Possible Alien Astronaut Outcome

    Despite being told that there is no alien or UFO activity recorded by the government’s military and space organizations, people continue to report sightings and out of the ordinary activities that raise an ardent question: how long will the government keep lying to us when the truth literally flies in front of our very own eyes?

  • Archaeologists have been exploring the ancient Mayan Temple of Kukulkan and the ruins of Chichén Itzá for the first time in more than five decades. As they have stated, the first two weeks of the research have already provided interesting new discoveries.