Video Archive

  • ‘Air battle between two UFOs was extra-terrestrial’, claims Australian Courier reader who witnessed incident

    Phil Tindale got in touch to explain how as 10-year-olds in the South Australian town of Aldgate just over 40 years ago, he and his twin brother Rob witnessed a “hostile chase between two highly advanced craft resulting in one of those craft crashing into a tree”.

  • Watch: UFO Appears Behind Reporter on Spanish Newscast

    In a puzzling scene from a Spanish newscast, a curious UFO can be seen zipping through the night sky behind a reporter stationed in Rome.

  • The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Could Find More of Earth’s Transient Moons

    It is a well-known astronomical convention that Earth has only one natural satellite, which is known (somewhat uncreatively) as “the Moon”. However, astronomers have known for a little over a decade that Earth also has a population of what are known as “transient Moons”. These are a subset of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) that are temporarily scooped up by Earth’s gravity and assume orbits around our planet.

  • Enter Sandman: Hibernation Technologies for Deep-Space Missions

    Missions to Mars and beyond will take months or longer, so some creative strategies will be necessary to make sure that astronauts stay hale and hearty!