Video Archive

  • Washington Monument-Sized Asteroid Will Zoom By Earth on Aug. 28

    August’s asteroid activity is not over yet: According to NASA data, another “potentially hazardous” space rock about the size of the Washington Monument will fly by Earth at the end of the month.

  • Confirmed: Comet Dust Tail is Electrically Charged | Space News

    New scientific reports are again confirming the electrical nature of one of the most mysterious phenomena in the cosmos, the comet.

  • UFO caught on camera over Jackson, Wyoming

    A strange object was picked up on a webcam at Spring Creek Ranch in the early hours of August 11th.

  • Strange Creature Or UFO Filmed From Window Of Airplane

    When traveling by air, you are sure to see some interesting sights out the plane’s window. From land formations thousands of feet below to all different shapes of clouds in the air – perhaps even another plane in the distance. However, what one person filmed during a trip from Phoenix to Portland is unlike anything ever seen before.