- Featured Articles
- April 5, 2016
Cold spots, elevators and doors that mysteriously open and close by themselves…
Cold spots, elevators and doors that mysteriously open and close by themselves…
Russian Newsroom discussing with former Canadian defense Minister about aliens.
Satellite infrared footage of UFOs and truth about crop circles are brought to light.
In a November 1, 1995 from Rockefeller’s lawyer to the president’s science advisor it is out that Hillary and her staff have been helping Rockefeller edit a draft of a letter to the President called “Lifting Secrecy of Information about Extraterrestrial Intelligence as Part of the Current Classification Review.”
“People ask Bob, do you think it was disinformation? But the information is so extensive that it just seems inconceivable that someone could have made this up.”
“We’ve been broadcasting our presence into space since World War II with TV, FM radio and radar. These signals could be picked up by advanced aliens. Even hostile ones…”
Astronomers from Columbia University propose that “Earth use lasers to hide itself from potential alien foes” and “prevent the potential annihilation of the human race”
In 2011, William J. Birnes claimed that after the Dulce Base episode aired on March 25, 2009, the “UFO HUNTERS” program was inexplicably cancelled by top level executives at History Channel, Was it because of poor ratings or, is there more to that story?
UFO sighting similar to WWII Foo Fighters.
‘What in the f— was that?'” Rodgers said.