Hiding From Hostile Aliens Is Pointless, They Already Know We’re Here Warns Expert0
- From Around the Web
- May 24, 2016
The only thing we can do now is try to make a good first impression.
The only thing we can do now is try to make a good first impression.
As far as Shirkey’s concerned, his inexplicable departure from Roswell “was part of the cover-up” of the saucer crash.
However unlikely contact with aliens may be, scientists are thinking about how they would break the news to a nervous planet.
This page includes the 10,000 Project Blue Book
Are there any pilots out there who can identify what this might be?
“It’s no longer about lights in the sky; it’s about lies on the ground.”
PRESIDENT Barack Obama will reveal to the world intelligent aliens exist and have visited Earth before the end of his final term, according to a US lobbyist.
“Are there UFO cases that are sufficiently well-documented to warrant a scientific investigation of the phenomenon?” In my view, the answer is yes.
Will it be the legacy of outgoing President Obama making a public statement that we are not alone in the universe, or will presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, emerge as the Disclosure President?
According the report, the aliens could use remote viewing to manipulate their captures.