1945 UFO Crash Eyewitness Speaks Out0
- UFO News
- November 20, 2018
“We saw 3 beings, injured, hollering their lungs out like a hurt jackrabbit”
“We saw 3 beings, injured, hollering their lungs out like a hurt jackrabbit”
Linda Moulton Howe being interviewed by Mysterious Outpost at the 2018 Ozark UFO conference discussing the existential threat of artificial intelligence.
Renewed US interest could produce some fascinating hearings, but the focus should be on the quality not just the quantity of reported sightings
The Irish Aviation Authority is investigating reports of bright lights and UFOs off the south-west coast of Ireland.
Mysterious object might be ‘a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization’
It sounds like a tabloid headline, but in this case it could be real.
ALEC Newald says he was abducted by aliens and taken to an extraterrestrial civilisation for 10 days. Here’s what he claims happened.
A Montana witness near Great Falls reported that a contact on the Malmstrom Air Force Base described a 10-minute power outage after a circular-shaped object “over a half-acre in size” hovered over the base,” according to testimony in Case 89785 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Here is a UFO video sent to Scott C. Waring’s Twitter account.