Airline pilots reported UFO on Valentine’s Day0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- February 27, 2019
Air MidWest pilots flying near Gloucester observed ‘unidentified nocturnal lights’ over a half-hour period.
Air MidWest pilots flying near Gloucester observed ‘unidentified nocturnal lights’ over a half-hour period.
Paul Shishis had dreams of being abducted as a child that at the time he shrugged off as just nightmares but throughout the years his increasing UFO sightings began to indicate to him that perhaps he had been in touch with extraterrestrials his whole life and that they weren’t, in fact, dreams but real alien abductions.
‘After reviewing CCTV at town beach of last nights storm, it appears we were not alone’
A New York witness at Mechanicville reported watching a silent, hovering light that shined a light onto the street below, according to testimony in Case 89364 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Acclaimed Canadian ufologist Christopher Rutkowski can be best described as Canada’s Fox Mulder.
If you’ve seen something strange in the sky over Central Jersey — and you haven’t been enjoying an adult beverage or suffering from a lack of sleep — you’re not alone.
“Draw a picture that will show the shape of the object or objects.”
In this episode of Nighttime Podcast, Jordan Bonaparte speaks to someone well positioned to tell us all about our government’s surprising history with the UFO phenomena.
New Jerseyans apparently reported 51 UFO sightings over the last year, according to the National UFO Reporting Center, which compiles a list every year.