A black hole eruption marks the most powerful explosion ever spotted0
- From Around the Web, Space
- March 3, 2020
The outburst was five times as energetic as the last record holder
The outburst was five times as energetic as the last record holder
At only 1% the age of the sun, the DS Tuc binary system shows us how a planet might naturally develop before its orbit is disturbed by external forces.
The leftover remnants of a meteorite that smashed into Earth 15 million years ago could give new insight into Mars’ past, including its oceans and whether it ever supported life.
A NASA robot measuring quakes on Mars has detected a strange-yet-familiar sound on the Red Planet, which some Earthlings might recognize as similar to “The Hum.”
Eruption in black hole 390m light years away punched cavity the size of 15 Milky Ways
Want to look inside a deep, dark pit on Mars? The scientists and engineers from the NASA’s HiRISE Camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have done just that.
K2-18b is thought to host conditions that are suitable for life sustenance.
The discovery may help explain why the nearside looks so different
Astronomers report that Earth has temporarily captured a second Moon, but it’s really small.
MIT engineers devise a decision map to identify the best mission type to deflect an incoming asteroid.