Caught For The First Time: The Early Flash Of An Exploding Star0
- From Around the Web, Space
- April 5, 2016
The Kepler Telescope catches early signature of an exploding supernova
The Kepler Telescope catches early signature of an exploding supernova
This thrust-to-weight ratio is about 9 times that of the Space Shuttle main engine!
Satellite infrared footage of UFOs and truth about crop circles are brought to light.
“We’ve been broadcasting our presence into space since World War II with TV, FM radio and radar. These signals could be picked up by advanced aliens. Even hostile ones…”
“The US could lead a return of humans to the surface of the Moon within a period of 5-7 years from authority to proceed at an estimated total cost of about $10 billion”
Researchers grew microbes collected from sports teams, historical monuments, museums, spacecraft, and schools and sent them to the International Space Station (ISS) for growth in space. While most of the microbes looked similar on Earth and in space, one type of bacteria actually grew much better in space.
“The feeling I got was that the Praying Mantises were protecting me energetically so that whatever the Grey types were doing to my chest could be completed.”
He is searching for intelligent life on Capitol Hill.
“Thousands of people from other planets are living among us. Some are rebirths, some have come directly from their home planets in spacecraft.”
“The first close look at active sand dunes anywhere other than Earth.”