Astronomers find evidence of water clouds in first spectrum of coldest brown dwarf0
- From Around the Web, Space
- July 8, 2016
Difficult spectroscopic observations reveal properties of the coldest known object outside of our solar system
Difficult spectroscopic observations reveal properties of the coldest known object outside of our solar system
Astronomers have discovered a planet unlike any other ever found, one that loops widely around one star that is locked in a gravitational embrace with two others in a triple-star system, creating a curious celestial ballet.
RemoveDebris operation will test a range of devices, including nets and harpoons, designed to sweep up litter orbiting Earth
Astrobiologists think Titan’s unique atmosphere might be able to hold and sustain life.
Planet 9, the hypothetical planet that lurks at the outskirts of our solar system, may be coming into focus in the near future, thanks to the efforts of scientists around the world. New theories are emerging about the potential location and even the possibility that there are two or more as yet undiscovered planets orbiting the sun beyond Neptune.
Models suggest cosmic rays can trigger reactions in interstellar ice balls causing formation of more complex molecules
Black holes are the most powerful gravitational force in the Universe. So what could cause them to be kicked out of their host galaxies? Cambridge researchers have developed a method for detecting elusive ‘black hole kicks.’
Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is best known for its colorful storms, the most famous being the Great Red Spot. Now astronomers have focused on another beautiful feature of the planet, using Hubble’s ultraviolet capabilities.
Using the combined power of an array of telescopes from different locations across the globe, ESO astronomers managed to capture the first clear image of an exoplanet located in a star system 11 quadrillion kilometers away from Earth.
China is launching a rival to the International Space Station (ISS) – and it wants to share its new toy.