New Horizons discovery raises solar wind riddle around Pluto0
- From Around the Web, Space
- September 15, 2016
The New Horizons probe has uncovered another Plutonian mystery – this time involving the solar wind.
The New Horizons probe has uncovered another Plutonian mystery – this time involving the solar wind.
New work from a team led by Carnegie’s Eduardo Bañados has discovered 63 new quasars out in the deep reaches of space.
I’ve been documenting ET sightings for almost a year now
Proxima b is a planet that could be habitable, but we won’t know for sure until we can actually see it.
The mysterious origin of an ‘impossibly bright,’ blinking celestial object has long baffled astrophysicists.
Using the Large Underground Xenon (LUX), scientists have discovered something about dark matter that brings up more questions than answers.
An Atlas V rocket traced a blazing arc into the Florida sky Thursday evening to send a small robotic explorer on its way to an asteroid on a mission that scientists anticipate will reveal answers to some of the basic questions about the solar system.
Alien life would most likely be discovered deep in the oceans of water planets, studies suggest.
It is entirely possible that Planet 9 could have come from our own solar system, instead of it being captured from another solar system.
The discovery of two massive holes punched through a stream of stars could help answer questions about the nature of dark matter, the mysterious substance holding galaxies together.