NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope launch may slip to November0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 2, 2021
A Halloween launch for NASA’s next space telescope is looking unlikely.
A Halloween launch for NASA’s next space telescope is looking unlikely.
‘Lucky strike’ did not endanger seven astronauts on board
Rover is continuing its search for ancient microbial life
Funded by a $125,000 grant from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, engineers and scientists are exploring a possible future mission to return samples from Saturn’s large moon Titan.
The center of the Milky Way is a strange and wild place.
International team reveal vast cosmic voids over the Earth’s skies that could challenge Einstein
Assembly Theory method ‘vital to support the first discovery of life beyond Earth,’ researcher says
A navigation timing error sent NASA’s little Mars helicopter on a wild, lurching ride, its first major problem since it took to the Martian skies last month.
Astronomers continue to develop computer simulations to help future observatories better home in on black holes, the most elusive inhabitants of the universe.
Space is big — really big. And if you want to successfully navigate the interstellar depths of our Milky Way galaxy, you’re going to need some sort of reliable system. A new proposal tries to keep the method as simple as possible: use pairs of stars to provide a galactic reference frame.