Nasa spacecraft captures first closeups of Jupiter’s largest moon in decades0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 9, 2021
Juno passed within 645 miles of Ganymede, the closest any spacecraft has come to the moon since 2000
Juno passed within 645 miles of Ganymede, the closest any spacecraft has come to the moon since 2000
Sometimes in landscape photography, nature smiles at your camera and surprises you with much more than you were hoping to capture. This photo is one example of that. While photographing an erupting volcano, the photographer saw a shooting star flash across the sky and steal the spotlight in the frame.
Dedicated to uncovering and understanding mysteries of the solar system, NASA’s Discovery program has spent nearly three decades exploring outer space with 20 missions. With an emphasis on innovative planetary missions, the program is now heading toward Earth’s closest neighbor: Venus.
The moon will partially cover the sun in the UK later this week, but some parts of the northern hemisphere will experience a total eclipse
Locating the bursts’ homes suggests a connection to ordinary, young stars
A “potentially hazardous” asteroid zoomed past Earth on Tuesday — and it’s not the only one. In total, seven asteroids are expected to pass by our planet by the end of the week.
Thanks to some great timing with the phases of the Moon, the famous Perseid meteor shower promises to be especially good this summer.
A piece of space debris struck the International Space Station (ISS) and damaged its robotic Canadarm2 sometime last month, according to Canadian officials.
NASA announced plans on Wednesday to launch a pair of missions to Venus between 2028 and 2030 – its first in decades – to study the atmosphere and geologic features of Earth’s so-called sister planet and better understand why the two emerged so differently.