Naked singularity might evade cosmic censor0
- From Around the Web, Space
- May 24, 2017
Spacetime singularities might exist unhidden in strangely curved universes
Spacetime singularities might exist unhidden in strangely curved universes
In 2016, researchers published “slam dunk” evidence, based on iron-60 isotopes in ancient seabed, that supernovae buffeted the Earth — one of them about 2.6 million years ago. University of Kansas researcher Adrian Melott, professor of physics and astronomy, supported those findings in Nature with an associated letter, titled “Supernovae in the neighborhood.”
Researchers from around the world are scratching their heads over a newly discovered radio burst detected on Earth, but with a completely unknown origin.
The finding shows that oxygen can be generated in space without the need for life, and could influence how researchers search for signs of life on exoplanets.
Spending $50 million a year is a pittance in terms of managing this existential risk.
Astrobiologists ponder sending gene sequencers, weather stations, drilling rigs and more to the Red Planet
Scientists have long thought that Ceres may have a very weak, transient atmosphere, but mysteries lingered about its origin and why it’s not always present.