Want to Protect Earth from Aliens? NASA Is Hiring0
- From Around the Web, Space
- August 15, 2017
If you’ve always dreamed of helping keep Earth safe from alien invaders, your ship may have just come in.
If you’ve always dreamed of helping keep Earth safe from alien invaders, your ship may have just come in.
US army efforts in 1947 to put ‘wiretapping’ balloons in the mesosphere led to flying saucer tales but ultimately to scientists finding natural channels of communication
The industrial manufacturing giant Siemens is planning for the reality of supplying and maintaining energy for a civilization on the Red Planet.
NASA is extremely interested in building a true astroid defense network that could spring into action as soon as a threat is detected, destroying or diverting a space rock before it can do any serious damage here on Earth.
The youngster receives a letter after responding to an advert for the role of planetary protection officer.
When the full Moon rose over Europe last night, it wasn’t its usual self. The normally bright lunar disk was dipped in shadow–a lunar eclipse.
The full Moon is bright. So are Perseid fireballs. On Aug. 7th, a NASA meteor camera at the Kitt Peak National Observatory caught this Perseid meteoroid disintegrating over Arizona, easily visible in glaring moonlight.
For a few months in the fall of 1957, citizens of Earth could look up and see the first artificial star. It shone as bright as Spica, but moved across the sky at a much faster clip. Lots of people thought they were seeing Sputnik—Russia’s antennaed, spherical satellite, and the first thing humans had flung into orbit. But it wasn’t: It was the body of the rocket that bore Sputnik to space—and Earth’s first piece of space junk.
The sun’s core rotates nearly four times faster than the sun’s surface, according to new findings by an international team of astronomers. Scientists had assumed the core was rotating like a merry-go-round at about the same speed as the surface.
The total solar eclipse of 2017 is just three weeks away, and if you are planning a road trip to Idaho for the big event, you’re not alone.