Help NASA Nickname This Remote Space Object0
- From Around the Web, Space
- December 2, 2017
NASA would like people to help name the object MU69 that the New Horizons’ team has discovered.
NASA would like people to help name the object MU69 that the New Horizons’ team has discovered.
As the three Kings from the Orient brought gold to infant Jesus, a question that often crops up in our mind is that who brought gold to Earth in the first place when it was formed? Why was Mackenna crazy for his gold?
We all want there to be aliens. Green ones, pink ones, brown ones, Greys. Or maybe Vulcans, Klingons, even a being of pure energy. Any type will do.
3200 Phaethon is an asteroid measuring about 3 miles across that roams our galaxy, passing in and out of planetary orbits on its journey. Next month, 3200 Phaethon will zoom by at 6.2 million miles from Earth, which, in space terms, is nearly too close for comfort.
It may not take an asteroid strike to transport life from one planet to another.
In 1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1 and Viking 2, to Mars.
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring an unusual filament of magnetism on the sun.
A blazing fireball lit up the dark skies of Arctic Finland for five seconds, giving off what scientists said was “the glow of 100 full moons” and igniting hurried attempts to find the reported meteorite.
There are two leading ways to measure the universe’s rate of expansion, and for fifteen years, they more or less agreed with one another. Not anymore, and that’s a big deal.