Researchers Find Evidence of Thousands of Black Holes in the Center of Our Galaxy0
- From Around the Web, Space
- April 10, 2018
New research finds potentially thousands of black holes orbiting within a few light-years of the galactic center.
New research finds potentially thousands of black holes orbiting within a few light-years of the galactic center.
Big or small, dense or empty, it’s one thing they all share.
The first experiment designed to demonstrate active space-debris removal in orbit has just reached the International Space Station aboard SpaceX’s Dragon capsule.
Intense radiation could strip away the ozone layer of Earth-like planets around other stars and render them uninhabitable, according to a new study.
Quantum weirdness FTW.
Dark matter has led scientists on a bit of a wild goose chase lately.
Gravitational waves may be forged in the heart of the galaxy, says a new study led by PhD student Joseph Fernandez at Liverpool John Moores University. He sets out the work in a presentation on 3rd April at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science in Liverpool.
This winter has brought many intense and powerful storms, with cold fronts sweeping across much of the United States. On a much grander scale, astronomers have discovered enormous “weather systems” that are millions of light years in extent and older than the Solar System.
The galaxy we inhabit, the Milky Way, may be getting even bigger, according to new research.
Black holes are hanging out at the center of our galaxy by the thousands, according to scientists who have detected a bunch of them in the neighborhood of a supermassive black hole already known to reside at the heart of the Milky Way.