Planet crash that made moon left key elements for life on Earth, scientists say0
- From Around the Web, Space
- January 24, 2019
Most of carbon and nitrogen that makes up our bodies probably came from passing planet, researchers believe
Most of carbon and nitrogen that makes up our bodies probably came from passing planet, researchers believe
The light released from around the first massive black holes in the universe is so intense that it is able to reach telescopes across the entire expanse of the universe.
European Southern Observatory’s Cosmic Gems Programme captures last breath of a dying star
Observations from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft provide evidence of rainfall on the north pole of Saturn’s moon Titan. The rainfall would be the first indication of the start of a summer season in the northern hemisphere of the hazy moon.
The era of renewed space exploration has led to some rather ambitious proposals.
The strange orbits of some objects in the farthest reaches of our solar system, hypothesized by some astronomers to be shaped by an unknown ninth planet, can instead be explained by the combined gravitational force of small objects orbiting the sun beyond Neptune, say researchers.
Planet and moon have been hit by more asteroids in the past 290m years than at any time in previous billion
The ominously-named Apophis asteroid could have hundreds of opportunities to hit the Earth over the course of the next century, Russian scientists have warned.
Sky gazers were treated to a rare lunar eclipse known as a super blood wolf moon on Sunday night, in which sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere lit the celestial body in a dramatic fashion and turned it red.