Comet Ingredients Swallowed by an Asteroid, Found Sealed Inside a Meteorite0
- From Around the Web, Space
- April 17, 2019
The raw materials from a comet have been found sealed inside a pristine, primitive meteorite.
The raw materials from a comet have been found sealed inside a pristine, primitive meteorite.
The first meteor of interstellar origin has been discovered by scientists in the U.S., after a Harvard professor earlier found that an object seen over Papua New Guinea in 2014 likely came from a region of space beyond our solar system.
Researchers from NASA and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, report that streams of meteoroids striking the Moon infuse the thin lunar atmosphere with a short-lived water vapor.
While two of these space rocks are not coming back any time soon, the other two hit their closest approach to Earth for a long while to come.
April 10 was a very good day for SpaceX.
The latest 11-year cycle of the sun is almost over and scientists have just released predictions for the next one.
Climate change is a serious threat to human society. But even the most extreme worst-case future scenario wouldn’t wipe out humanity instantly. There’s only one thing that might do that — a major asteroid or comet impact.
Israel’s dreams of a lunar landing will have to wait a little longer.
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