Large unknown mass discovered on the Moon0
- From Around the Web, Space
- July 9, 2019
Scientists have identified a large, anomalous mass embedded deep beneath the Moon’s largest crater.
Scientists have identified a large, anomalous mass embedded deep beneath the Moon’s largest crater.
Scientists fear a repeat of the 2013 strike in Russia and the devastating 1908 impact
Imagine, a few years from now, looking up into the night sky and seeing a full moon, brightly illuminating the landscape in front of you.
We live in a universe with 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Up, down, left, right, forward, back, past, future. 3+1 dimensions. Or so our primitive Pleistocene-evolved brains find it useful to believe. And we cling to this intuition, even as physics shows us that this view of reality may be only a very narrow perception. One of the most startling possibilities is that our 3+1 dimensional universe may better described as resulting from a spacetime one dimension lower – like a hologram projected from a surface infinitely far away.
New research presented at the 2019 Astrobiology Science Conference in Bellevue, Wa.
While the truth might be out there, technological aliens don’t seem to be — at least not yet.
Astronomers from the Basingstoke Astronomical Society are using commercially available telescopes to help the Ministry of Defence.
Could 16 Psyche make every person on Earth a billionaire? The space mining race is heating up.
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered a world between the sizes of Mars and Earth orbiting a bright, cool, nearby star. The planet, called L 98-59b, marks the tiniest discovered by TESS to date.
After investigating the nature of a mysterious and apparently cigar-shaped object called ‘Oumuamua spotted in 2017 speeding through our solar system, astronomers remain uncertain over how to classify it, but are confident it is not an alien spaceship.