UFOs in Manitoba skies last weekend? Not quite, says planetarium manager0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology, Space
- March 30, 2020
Did you spot any strange lights in the Manitoba skies over the weekend?
Did you spot any strange lights in the Manitoba skies over the weekend?
The novel coronavirus sweeping the globe already jumped species, probably originating in bats and possibly infecting pangolins before hitting humans. Now primate scientists say they fear that the virus could pose a mortal threat to our closest living relatives — chimpanzees, gorillas and other great apes.
The subatomic particles may already solve two important puzzles of particle physics
Time has a precise direction.
The answer to the dark-matter mystery may be under our feet.
The supercapacitors still functioned well when stretched to eight times their original size.
So that explains it.
Researchers from the University of Southern California have been working on the predictive project for two years.
Once upon a time, reaching the highest peak on Earth was considered a feat achievable only by a select few.
For decades, science popularizers have said humans are made of stardust, and now, a new survey of 150,000 stars shows just how true the old cliché is: Humans and their galaxy have about 97 percent of the same kind of atoms, and the elements of life appear to be more prevalent toward the galaxy’s center, the research found.