Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight, but goes for several days0
- From Around the Web, Space
- August 13, 2019
You’ll be able to see some of it for up to another week.
You’ll be able to see some of it for up to another week.
Astronomers recently speculated that the Beta Taurids meteor shower that’s expected to happen this month could lead to catastrophic and fatal events on Earth. They theorized that the same event that caused the Tunguska disaster in 1908 might happen again soon.
That disastrous rock may now looks to have been a Beta Taurid passenger
Maybe you’ve already seen a bright meteor streak across the December sky? The annual Geminid meteor shower has arrived. It’s a good time to bundle up, go outside and let the universe blow your mind!
When and how to observe the Taurids Meteor Shower this weekend November 11-12
When the Perseid meteor shower peaked over the weekend, no one was expecting an amazing show. After all, the August moon had just passed its full phase and threatened to outshine all but the brightest Perseid fireballs.
The full Moon is bright. So are Perseid fireballs. On Aug. 7th, a NASA meteor camera at the Kitt Peak National Observatory caught this Perseid meteoroid disintegrating over Arizona, easily visible in glaring moonlight.
Detailed analysis has been revealed about the 144 fireballs that came from the Taurid meteor shower, which had been observed by the European Fireball Network back in 2015 showed an orbital structure that was well defined, has been responsible for the Taurid activity that was enhanced during the same year. The comparison of the Orbit revealed that a new branch of Taurids has at least two asteroids that are about 200 to 300 meters in size.
European academics say Taurids are a ‘very real source of potentially hazardous’ space rocks
In certain sweet spots, the gravitational pulls of Saturn and Jupiter might combine to cause spectacular meteor showers. The effect requires clockwork precision – but it may be responsible for one of the best showers in recent memory.