Contact TV 12th Season0
- Another Point of View, blog, Earth Mysteries, Experiencers, Contactees, Abductees, Featured Articles, From Around the Web
- October 13, 2022
Watch the new episode of Contact TV
Watch the new episode of Contact TV
Claude Limberger talks at one of Hildegard Gmeiner’s monthly Experiencers’ Gathering in Toronto at
Ed interviewed other residents of the Lake and they also saw the orb, and had a missing time incident associated with it.
Though her experience felt more vivid than any dream, it was the three circular marks that appeared beneath her naval upon waking that convinced her that something actually took place.
Lesley Mitchell-Clarke and Co-Host WES ROBERTS are excited to welcome back Reverend John Polk
Author, visionary artist, motivational speaker, spiritual teacher and radio host.
“This being was probably at least 7-feet tall.”
“I am on a table of some sort, and they are working. And I am… being worked on.”