Alien Cosmic Expo 20160
- Events
- April 7, 2016
June 24-26, 2016 at the Best Western Brant Park Inn, Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
June 24-26, 2016 at the Best Western Brant Park Inn, Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
Gordon Cooper’s UFO sightings revealed!
In a November 1, 1995 from Rockefeller’s lawyer to the president’s science advisor it is out that Hillary and her staff have been helping Rockefeller edit a draft of a letter to the President called “Lifting Secrecy of Information about Extraterrestrial Intelligence as Part of the Current Classification Review.”
‘What in the f— was that?'” Rodgers said.
Our trip to Area 51 ends with a bang!
“There’s a new name. It’s called Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.” — Hillary Clinton to Jimmy Kimmel
“The feeling I got was that the Praying Mantises were protecting me energetically so that whatever the Grey types were doing to my chest could be completed.”
“I have searched through the literature, and have found no other mention of a magnetic fibrous capsule (or indeed any magnetic biological tissues) whatsoever.” ~ Dr. Muirhead
“It looked like tiny forks going up into my nose.”
“Thousands of people from other planets are living among us. Some are rebirths, some have come directly from their home planets in spacecraft.”