- Ancient Archeology, From Around the Web
- May 30, 2016
The native Aborigines people talk of a time where the Rainbow Serpent God took all the water and left nothing but dry land.
The native Aborigines people talk of a time where the Rainbow Serpent God took all the water and left nothing but dry land.
Comets might hold the key to how life started on earth.
Robots are being taught on how to feel pain to give them a chance to survive harsh surroundings.
The discovery of the 290 million year old footprint was made in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry MacDonald in 1987.
Lance Corporal Weygandt was stationed in Peru when he was asked to report to a crash site of a mysterious aircraft shot down into a mountainside. He said it was unlike anything he had seen. After visiting the site, he was arrested and held in a cell for days.
Scientists say adding a high concentration of those molecules to a body of water could have produced the “primordial soup” that gave birth to life on our planet more than 4 billion years ago.
People have expressed that when simply closing their eyes and “feeling” the music, they experience a powerfully peaceful, profoundly expansive sense of wellbeing.
In Frank Waters’s writings on Hopi mythology, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star.
In just two decades, we have gone from knowing one planetary system (our own) to thousands, with 3,268 exoplanets now known. Many of which have had very irregular orbits that position themselves too close to the stars.