Luxembourg takes first steps to ‘asteroid mining’ law0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology, Space
- June 5, 2016
Luxembourg aims to profit from mining the natural resources thought to exist on asteroids, the government said
Luxembourg aims to profit from mining the natural resources thought to exist on asteroids, the government said
Video shows loincloth-wearing men from Panoan linguistic group accepting bunches of bananas from a group from a local village
Ohio witness takes video evidence of a UFO flying over the woods in a translucent square.
Photos show a UFO that slowly changes shape as time goes by, witness takes pictures during transformation.
Across the centuries, forming cooperative networks beyond cultural boundaries has been a way to overcome natural disasters.
Archeological findings have proven that the Indus era was at least 8000 years old, not the original 5500 years that was told to be.
Is it aliens? Sure sounds like aliens—but these strange, glowing patches over Pluto are actually something else (almost) as mysterious.
Pluto’s distinctive heart-shaped feature may appear still, but it’s actually made up of churning icy cells, scientists say.
The universe is expanding faster than expected and scientists speculate the finding may be explained by a mysterious force called dark radiation.
The words “Black Knight” may not ring many bells in the field of science to a simple person with little access to forbidden knowledge. In our case, it is no literature reference, nor Monty Python’s famous Holy Grail quest.