New Planet Is Largest Discovered That Orbits Two Suns0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 14, 2016
A new giant planet has been discovered within Kepler-1647b.
A new giant planet has been discovered within Kepler-1647b.
The ‘mums’ claim to have given birth to half-alien children who live with their fathers on giant spaceships – and claim other women simply don’t realise it.
Lesley Mitchell-Clarke and Co-Host WES ROBERTS are excited to welcome back Reverend John Polk
Weather can give a spectacular view, but sometimes it gives off something that looks like a UFO.
The former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, The Hon. Paul T. Hellyer,
will lead a panel of international experts examining government documents on the
phenomenon of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
A morsel of never-before-seen alien rock has been dug up in a limestone quarry in Sweden, where it had lain deeply buried for about 470 million years, scientists said Tuesday.
Witness and her daughter took photos of a UFO hovering over Maidstone in Britain. It was clearly not a manmade object.
Young stars can be more dangerous to new planets than we realize when we take a look at the X-rays from the Chandra observatory.
Inscriptions on Antikythera Mechanism suggests it was mechanical computer used to track sun, moon
Could dark matter — the elusive substance that composes most of the material universe — be made of black holes? Some astronomers are beginning to think this tantalizing possibility is more and more likely.