Arizona UFO returns multiple times same night0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- September 10, 2016
An Arizona witness at Chandler had recorded a sphere-shaped UFO that visited the area five times over a three-hour span
An Arizona witness at Chandler had recorded a sphere-shaped UFO that visited the area five times over a three-hour span
An Atlas V rocket traced a blazing arc into the Florida sky Thursday evening to send a small robotic explorer on its way to an asteroid on a mission that scientists anticipate will reveal answers to some of the basic questions about the solar system.
If you’ve seen pictures of space, you’ve seen the Pillars of Creation –a set of photogenic columns of cold gas bathed in the light of brand new star formation. Now, 20 years after the iconic 1995 shot was taken, The Hubble has gone back to take a more high definition look.
This could be one of the most incredible images ever taken on the surface of the red planet. Look closely at the image and what’s the first thing you think of? Doesn’t that thing in the image look like a dome on Mars?
The site was discovered in 2012 by quarry workers after carrying out a blasting operation. When they spotted the presence of a great many fossil remains in the clay that filled the cave, they halted the works and contacted Prof Alvaro Arrizabalaga of the Department of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology.
Alien life would most likely be discovered deep in the oceans of water planets, studies suggest.
Much has been said about Rh negative blood and theories which suggest, there is an enigmatic truth sealed away from public knowledge linking humans with Rh negative blood to otherworldly origins.