China Releases a Treasure Trove of New Images On The Far Side of The Moon0
- From Around the Web, Space
- January 23, 2020
China’s lunar robots images cover about a year of exploration on the far side of the moon.
China’s lunar robots images cover about a year of exploration on the far side of the moon.
It was a lot more powerful than anyone believed.
Using a technique akin to echolocation, scientists were able to map the region around a distant black hole’s event horizon in unprecedented detail.
Extensive water channels built by indigenous Australians thousands of years ago to trap and harvest eels for food have been revealed after wildfires burned away thick vegetation in the state of Victoria.
NASA’s plan is to return astronauts to the Moon by 2024, but the European Space Agency is working on a plan to help humans breathe on the celestial satellite — by turning moondust into oxygen.
Yarrabubba Crater was blasted out by an asteroid or comet about 2.23 billion years ago.
A strange series of color flashes that turned the night sky reddish in Bethel, Ohio, has gotten international attention, as people scramble for a good explanation.
The team used transmission electron microscopy to achieve this impressive video.
Crashed UFOs, alien autopsies and government cover-ups—untangling the legend surrounding Ohio’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
The space rock probably reached its orbit after a series of close encounters with rocky planets