The polar vortex is approaching record strength. That’s not a scary thing.0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- February 20, 2020
The vortex is teaming up with a record-breaking Arctic Oscillation to keep frigid weather at bay
The vortex is teaming up with a record-breaking Arctic Oscillation to keep frigid weather at bay
Data from NASA’s New Horizons mission are providing new insights into how planets and planetesimals — the building blocks of the planets — were formed.
A team of scientists at Leiden University in the Netherlands developed a neural network — called “Hazardous Object Identifier” — that they claim predicts asteroid collisions with Earth.
Is Bigfoot “hanging out” in the Buckeye state?
Space Adventures announced Feb. 18 that it has an agreement with SpaceX to fly a dedicated Crew Dragon mission that would send four space tourists on a mission to a relatively high Earth orbit.
Astronomers found oxygen beyond the Milky Way, in a galaxy not so far away.
Alien hunters are scaling up their efforts in the search for an intelligent civilisation somewhere out in the void of space.
It’s red, it’s cold, it’s 4bn years old: Nasa data from Arrokoth reveals ‘profound truths’ about the solar system
What’s driving the relatively rapid sea ice growth this year?
The nearby red supergiant has been dimming for a while now, but its exact fate is still unknown.