ABC NEWS: A UFO hovering over an historic barn In San Diego, California0
- From Around the Web
- June 19, 2016
“We think someone’s come into the barn and we get up to look, and no one is there”
“We think someone’s come into the barn and we get up to look, and no one is there”
Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference.
“Any sufficiently advanced hyper-dimensional creature will appear in our 3D world as background noise, unidentifiable, and indistinguishable from nature”
The debate the country is facing internally is whether to abide by the laws of the world and the Universe to be recognized as a superpower or be truthful to its citizens and the world.
What we were seeing was a cylinder-shaped object twirling or spinning ever so slowly in a clockwise direction at an almost slow-motion momentum.
While the history books give us an idea of what life was like hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years ago, they certainly don’t know it all. Mysteries continue to be uncovered, offering us further glimpses at worlds long forgotten.
A new imaging technique allows researchers to image both the position and orientation of single fluorescent molecules attached to DNA.
Astronomers have found far more planets like this in the cluster than expected.
In December, data suggested a particle six times heavier than Higgs
It would not be described by Standard Model of particle physics
More collisions started in April 2016, to collect more data
Experts expect confirmation or refutation of its existence ‘very soon’
CERN spokesman told MailOnline it is still likely to take weeks
Following February’s historic announcement, LIGO has again spotted ripples in the fabric of spacetime, from the collision of a second set of black holes