Lucy in the Sky is a Diamond0
- From Around the Web, Space
- November 4, 2016
The largest diamond ever found is not on Earth, but faraway across the galaxy.
The largest diamond ever found is not on Earth, but faraway across the galaxy.
Around a black hole 12 billion light years away, there’s an almost unimaginable vapor cloud of water—enough to supply an entire planet’s worth of water for every person on earth, 20,000 times over.
Astronomers using the super-sharp radio vision of the National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) have found the shredded remains of a galaxy that passed through a larger galaxy, leaving only the smaller galaxy’s nearly-naked supermassive black hole to emerge and speed away at more than 2,000 miles per second.
The new fossil is intriguing, but paleontologists have better ways of judging a dinosaur’s smarts
An international team of researchers has found that Saturn’s largest moon Titan has deep canyons filled with liquid hydrocarbons, making the alien moon look a lot like Earth, but with rivers of methane instead of water.
A solar panel on your roof could soon capture drinkable water for your faucet.
A monster version of our sun has been found, the largest known member of the family of yellow stars to which our sun belongs.
A Hawaiian witness had spotted a flying disc hovering over Kaneoha Bay.
These extraordinary images have got experts baffled
A large space rock came fairly close to Earth on Sunday night. Astronomers knew it wasn’t going to hit Earth, thanks in part to a new tool NASA is developing for detecting potentially dangerous asteroids.