The most beautiful equation is… The Dirac equation0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- November 12, 2016
One equation brings together the two cornerstones of modern physics: quantum mechanics and relativity
One equation brings together the two cornerstones of modern physics: quantum mechanics and relativity
White holes are basically black holes in reverse: They eject all the matter sucked into a black hole. We’ve never observed one, and most astrophysicists suspect they don’t exist – all because they’re not the exact opposite of black holes.
The world is at the start of a renaissance in supersonic and hypersonic flight that will transform aviation, but the effort will need steady commitment and funding if the United States wants to lead the way, congressional leaders and industry officials said at a forum late last month.
Despite wrong conditions, handful-plus of photons detected streaming from dwarf planet
The Canadian military has investigated a mysterious pinging sound coming from the sea floor in a remote region of the Arctic, officials have told the BBC.
A commercial diver working near Haida Gwaii off Canada’s west coast has spotted a strange object on the seafloor that bears a striking resemblance to a nuclear device lost from a US B-36 bomber that crashed in the area 66 years ago. The Canadian government is sending naval ships to investigate.
Archaeologists and geologists use imagery to find site ravaged by tsunami
Physicists reported this week the discovery of a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality.
The proverbial Holy Grail of human discovery, human curiosity, the history of human consciousness, which has taken many forms, transcending primitive myth, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and modern science, is, has always been, and always will be, Why is there something, rather than nothing? Is there a reason for it all? A cause? Where, when, how, and why did it all begin, and where, when, how, and why will it all end, if ever? What is this stuff we call Reality, Existence; what is the origin of the Universe; who or what is God? I think of it often, and it always, literally, blows my mind.