Interview with Patty Greer0
- Earth Mysteries
- April 20, 2017
The TRUTH is coming people and the true answer to the origin life could simply be the number 37 which could prove that our genetic code was created by ancient aliens, according to a new scientific theory – The drip feeding of disclosure continues it appears!
Researchers in the US say they’ve created a fluid with negative mass in the lab… which is exactly as mind-bending as it sounds.
39-year-old drawing hints at what the Event Horizon Telescope may have just captured: the true shape of a black hole
A new reconfigurable device that emits patterns of thermal infrared light in a fully controllable manner could one day make it possible to collect waste heat at infrared wavelengths and turn it into usable energy.
Enceladus is ripe for life. In one final pass through the icy moon’s liquid plumes, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft found molecular hydrogen, which indicates favourable conditions for life in Enceladus’s subsurface sea.
The United States Navy fired a projectile at Mach 6 during a recent test with an electromagnetic railgun, suggesting that early ideas about using such tech to launch payloads from the lunar surface might not be so sci-fi after all.
New research suggests that active volcanoes on the Red Planet could have created an environment habitable to ancient microbes.
Researchers at the University of Waterloo have been able to capture the first composite image of a dark matter bridge that connects galaxies together. The scientists publish their work in a new paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
If you were monitoring a security camera and saw someone set down a backpack and walk away, you might pay special attention – especially if you had been alerted to watch that particular person. According to Cornell researchers, this might be a job robots could do better than humans, by communicating at the speed of light and sharing images.