Movie Shows Ceres at Opposition from Sun0
- From Around the Web, Space
- May 16, 2017
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft successfully observed Ceres at opposition on April 29, taking images from a position exactly between the sun and Ceres’ surface.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft successfully observed Ceres at opposition on April 29, taking images from a position exactly between the sun and Ceres’ surface.
Summertime is about relaxation, barbecues, and warm weather.
And, apparently, UFOs.
Why have sightings of unidentified flying objects around the nation more than tripled since 2001? Why is July the busiest month for U.F.O. sightings? Why did they spike in Texas in 2008, or in New Mexico in September 2015?
A report compiled by Statistician and Ph.D. candidate Sam Monfort last month revealed that UFO sightings in the United States had reached an all-time high in recent years.
EXTRATERRESTRIAL species could have landed on Earth long before humans evolved, a scientist has claimed.
On May 5th in Shamong, New Jersey, there was footage of a strange light caught on a infrared camera set to catch moving objects passing it.
SEVERAL people answered a call for information about being abducted by aliens and their accounts were eerily similar.
Canadians saw a lot of freaky stuff happen in the sky last year.