Supermassive Black Holes May Be Pulling The Atmosphere Off Planets And Making Them Uninhabitable0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 15, 2017
Scientists have discovered black holes may be doing more damage to their surroundings than originally thought.
Scientists have discovered black holes may be doing more damage to their surroundings than originally thought.
Scientists have discovered an enzyme in the brain involved in memory formation, particularly with long-term memories. Are there any bad memories you want to get rid of? The scientists believe that those with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or other memory-related afflictions can be treated by targeting an enzyme to delete bad memories.
AUSTRALIA’S self-proclaimed “UFO capital” Wycliffe Well hasn’t had a single extraterrestrial visitor in a year.
Observations suggest that black holes swallow doomed stars whole, increasing the mystery surrounding these celestial monsters
Here is the updated list of hoax and misinformation websites for the year 2017.
In 1526, the Spanish conquistador Francisco de Montejo arrived on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and found most of the great Maya cities deeply eroded and unoccupied. Many generations removed from the master builders, engineers, and scientists who conceived and built the cities, the remaining Maya they encountered had degenerated into waring groups who practiced blood rituals and human sacrifice.
One of the most ancient and most important Archaeological discoveries in the world has been found in America.
Scientists on the lookout for subtle disturbances in the fabric of space-time have detected the signal from a cataclysmic collision between two black holes that lie some 3 billion light-years away, much farther two previous discoveries.
A new study may help reveal the nature of dark energy, the mysterious substance that is pushing the universe to expand outward. Dark energy may emerge from fluctuations in the nothingness of empty space, a new hypothesis suggests.