8 Conspiracy Theories About The Denver Airport That’ll Freak You Out0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- September 14, 2017
The Denver airport is kind of a weird place.
The Denver airport is kind of a weird place.
On Sept. 10th, departing sunspot AR2673 erupted, producing a powerful X8-class solar flare. The explosion propelled a CME into space and accelerated a swarm of energetic protons toward Earth. Both are visible in this coronagraph movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO): The many specks in this movie are not stars–they are solar protons
There is a lot of history on Earth alone, so how do you explain it all to an extraterrestrial?
The Giants of Mont’e Prama are sculptures between two and two and a half meters in height believed to have been created by the Nuragic civilization, an ancient culture that inhabited the island of Sardinia between the XVIII and II century AD.
We’re so close to the megazord of our dreams.
Northern China’s roadsides are peppered with deciduous phoenix trees, producing an abundance of fallen leaves in autumn. These leaves are generally burned in the colder season, exacerbating the country’s air pollution problem. Investigators in Shandong, China, recently discovered a new method to convert this organic waste matter into a porous carbon material that can be used to produce high-tech electronics.
The Paradigm Research Group has created a network of websites connecting everyone across the world called The Exopolitics World Network.
I’ll say this off the top, I believe we don’t know our true history, not even close. What we’re going to explore in this article are mathematical mysteries about the Great Pyramid will challenge your perception of what we know of our past.