UFO Headline News Oct. 17, 20170
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- October 31, 2017
UFO Headline News Oct. 17, 2017
NASA has got us covered for spooky sounds for us this Halloween, with strange sounds from space!
An object that isn’t acting like most other objects in space has been picked up by a telescope in Hawaii that takes images for NASA.
Social media erupts with alien invasion theories — until a more sensible explanation emerges.
Black holes are famous for being ravenous eaters, but they do not eat everything that falls toward them. A small portion of material gets shot back out in powerful jets of hot gas, called plasma, that can wreak havoc on their surroundings. Along the way, this plasma somehow gets energized enough to strongly radiate light, forming two bright columns along the black hole’s axis of rotation. Scientists have long debated where and how this happens in the jet.
A commercial airline passenger on a flight from Toronto to Edmonton spotted a strange bright object appearing to be at the same altitude. He took pictures with a Galaxy S8+ cell phone before the object flew off to the east.
Researchers hope Juno could help shed light on why Jupiter’s northern and southern lights behave differently.
It looks like Rosetta’s comet was a bit of a tooter. A fart from the comet — which scientists called “a bright plume of dust blowing away … like a fountain” — likely originated from the comet’s insides, maybe from ancient gas vents or unseen ice.
NASA has released a chilling compilation of the ‘sounds’ of space, bringing to life the radio emissions captured by its spacecraft as they journey across the solar system.