This Is What The Entire Known Universe Looks Like in a Single Image0
- From Around the Web, Space
- January 17, 2018
Isn’t it beautiful? This is an illustrated logarithmic scale conception of the observable Universe with the Solar System at the centre.
Isn’t it beautiful? This is an illustrated logarithmic scale conception of the observable Universe with the Solar System at the centre.
Bitcoin comes from outer space, send to us by an alien civilization. I know, that a bold statement to make, but lets investigate that statement together and see whether it could be true or not.
Using ‘next generation’ DNA sequencing scientists have found that the famous ‘Two Brothers’ mummies of the Manchester Museum have different fathers so are, in fact, half-brothers.
Is there life on other planets?
By combining the visible and infrared capabilities of NASA’s Spitzer and NASA/ESA Hubble space telescopes, a team of specialists at NASA’s Universe of Learning program has created a spectacular, three-dimensional, fly-through movie of the famous Orion Nebula, a diffuse nebula in the constellation Orion.
Basically asks what does the government know about UFOs and why is the subject being ignored by the FAA, media, and other government agencies.
The news cycle on this latest revelation that the Department of Defense (DoD) had a project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that looked into UFOs – remember the U is for “unidentified” not aliens – seems to be coming to a close.
Two wayward space rocks, which separately crashed to Earth in 1998 after circulating in our solar system’s asteroid belt for billions of years, share something else in common: the ingredients for life. They are the first meteorites found to contain both liquid water and a mix of complex organic compounds such as hydrocarbons and amino acids.
New NASA images show layers of ice peeking out of eroded cliffs—a potential boon for future humans on the red planet.
These asteroids all have a small but real chance of hitting Earth in the next century