Mystery of Peruvian fireballs finally explained (VIDEO)0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- March 23, 2018
Peruvian scientists have finally unravelled the mystery behind the fireballs that lit up the night sky as they fell to Earth last month.
Peruvian scientists have finally unravelled the mystery behind the fireballs that lit up the night sky as they fell to Earth last month.
The maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), the older microwave frequency sibling of the laser, was invented in 1954. However unlike lasers, which have become widespread, masers are much less widely used because in order to function they must be cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero (-273°C).
Russian researchers have analyzed tissue samples from one of the mysterious alien creatures uncovered in Peru last year. The mummy, with an elongated skull and only three fingers, has excited ufologists since its discovery.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has detected recent changes in Ceres’ surface, revealing that the dwarf planet is a dynamic planetary body that continues to evolve and change. The results are published in two papers in the journal Science Advances.
New evidences of the passage of the Scholz’s star
It was just days ago that a team of scientists from NASA and the National Nuclear Security Administration spoke at length about the potential to use nuclear weapons to divert an incoming asteroid, and now Russian researchers are singing a very similar tune.
Ancient DNA from this skeleton, found in a Moroccan cave, is the oldest known from Africa.
The 2 pics are of 2 UFO sighting’s in the skies over Grovetown, Ga. in 2017.
New research finds that ‘Oumuamua, the rocky object identified as the first confirmed interstellar asteroid, very likely came from a binary star system.