NASA launch sparks ‘alien invasion’ fears0
- From Around the Web, Space
- April 9, 2019
A recent NASA rocket launch produced a strange and rather spectacular light show in the skies over Norway.
A recent NASA rocket launch produced a strange and rather spectacular light show in the skies over Norway.
Zapping the brains of people over 60 with a mild electrical current improved a form of memory enough that they performed like people in their 20s, a new study found.
A top-secret US government research programme allegedly investigated the health effects of close encounters with UFOs.
Europe’s next asteroid mission, which could launch in 2023, will rely on the same kind of navigation technology as self-driving cars.
In a few months, astronomers are going to be pointing their telescopes to Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy.
The story comes from an Ashland cop, Herbert Schirmer, who said back in 1967 that aliens stopped in his town and brought him on board their ship.
The duck-billed, crested lambeosaurine shows that a diverse array of dinos lived in the warmer but still harsh Arctic 70 million years ago
An ancient group of people made ritual offerings to supernatural deities near the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, about 500 years earlier than the Incas, according to an international team of researchers. The team’s findings suggest that organized religion emerged much earlier in the region than previously thought.
Scientists hope samples from Hayabusa 2 will provide clues about origins of life on Earth
In the minutes leading up to 2019, someone witnessed fiery orange lights flying soundlessly at a low altitude over San Antonio.