It’s quiet out there: scientists fail to hear signals of alien life0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 19, 2019
Breakthrough Listen project found no evidence of alien civilisations on 1,327 stars
Breakthrough Listen project found no evidence of alien civilisations on 1,327 stars
Bennu is ready for its close-up.
President Donald Trump expressed skepticism that the recent spate of UFO sightings could be anything other than of this world.
Few sun-like stars have these massive planets, making our sun unusual
The lunar mission is being framed as part of a wider plan for exploring the universe.
Across Canada, 937 sightings were documented in 2018, a 15 per cent decrease from 2017 and the lowest number recorded since 2009.
As NASA’s Cassini dove close to Saturn in its final year, the spacecraft provided intricate detail on the workings of Saturn’s complex rings, new analysis shows.
Michigan congressional candidate Kevin Seamon has made some rather peculiar claims about his past.
NASA will be launching two identical miniature satellites next week as part of a project designed to help scientists understand how Earth’s atmosphere muddies the radio signals we rely on for communication and navigation.
President Donald Trump confirmed he was briefed on UFOs, as a growing number of pilots report seeing unexplained objects in the sky.