European satellite in near collision with Elon Musk SpaceX craft0
- From Around the Web, Space
- September 5, 2019
ESA say its Aeolus Earth observation satellite fired thrusters to avoid crash
ESA say its Aeolus Earth observation satellite fired thrusters to avoid crash
Behold: the most powerful searchlights in the universe.
Was an alien shot and killed in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey?
Unique experiments at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source shine a light on a new pathway for carbon chemistry to evolve in space
During a military mission, whether in peace or in war, the inability to identify an object within an area of operation represents a significant problem.
Wednesday, August 21st 2019, 8:45 pm – Astronomers detect gravitational waves that may point to a colossal collision
If planting more trees can replenish forests and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, then could we also repopulate the Arctic with ice?
Asteroids and space debris could wreak untold devastation on the planet
How are black holes born? Astrophysicists have theories, but we don’t actually know for certain. It could be massive stars quietly imploding with a floompf, or perhaps black holes are born in the explosions of colossal supernovas. New observations now indicate it might indeed be the latter.
A giant bright light illuminated the sky over Edmonton Saturday night. The curiosity surrounding the fireball spread across the province.