NASA and Lockheed Martin Finalize $2.7 Billion Contract Towards Lunar Expedition0
- From Around the Web, Space
- September 25, 2019
NASA has just signed off on the production of six Orion spacecraft.
NASA has just signed off on the production of six Orion spacecraft.
One morning you opened your eyes, confused and thinking about a very good or bad dream but you can’t recall it detail by detail. You just know it happened and it felt good or really scary.
Vast seas may have covered “hellish hothouse” Venus for billions of years.
Reports suggest a quantum computer has surpassed standard computers on a specific type of calculation
But nobody said it was supposed to be easy.
Researchers hope to use bubbles trapped in ice to help predict effect of CO2 on the Earth’s climate
The new research could help in the discovery of new uses for the ‘wonder material.’
The time has come. We’re going to smash a spacecraft into an asteroid.
A team of astrophysicists from Columbia University proposes that the strange long-term dimming of the KIC 8462852 star (also known as Tabby’s star or Boyajian’s star) is the result of a disk of debris — torn from a melting moon – that is accumulating and orbiting the star.
This will be NASA’s first moon landing since Apollo 11.