AI equal with human experts in medical diagnosis, study finds0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- September 30, 2019
Research suggests AI able to interpret medical images using deep learning algorithm
Research suggests AI able to interpret medical images using deep learning algorithm
Stu Bundy tells us more about Mufon Canada and how you can get involved.
Victor Viggiani says it is all about the lies on the ground, not about the UFO’s in the sky.
In the last few months, teams of SpaceX engineers working on the flat coastal plains of South Texas and in a nondescript industrial yard on Florida’s Space Coast have been building two futuristic-looking stainless steel rockets — or Starships — prototypes for a reusable vehicle the company claims could one day ferry people to Mars.
There is an as-yet-unseen population of Jupiter-like planets orbiting nearby Sun-like stars, awaiting discovery by future missions like NASA’s WFIRST space telescope, according to new models of gas giant planet formation by Carnegie’s Alan Boss, described in an upcoming publication in The Astrophysical Journal. His models are supported by a new Science paper on the surprising discovery of a gas giant planet orbiting a low-mass star.
You’d think spotting a crashed lander on the surface of the Moon would be easier, but NASA is discovering that the hunt can be trickier than you might expect. Searches for India’s Chandrayaan-2 lander, Vikram, have turned up empty-handed so far, with the failed mission so far escaping the high-resolution eye of NASA’s lunar satellites.
Researches at Caltech discovered a new worm species in Mono Lake, known for its harsh conditions.
No one had any idea what to expect of a plan for people to meet in Rachel, Nevada, to see for themselves if the government was hiding aliens
When galaxies collide, so do the supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy. For the first time, astronomers have observed a triple collision of galaxies, which have sent their black holes on a collision course, according to a new study.
Could northern summer 2019 go down in history as “the summer without sunspots”?