How the second known interstellar visitor makes ‘Oumuamua seem even odder0
- From Around the Web, Space
- October 15, 2019
New observations show that 2I/Borisov looks like a comet, just what astronomers expected
New observations show that 2I/Borisov looks like a comet, just what astronomers expected
Chilean officials are investigating a curious collection of burning objects that fell onto parts of the country last week.
If you venture outside around dusk this fall and look due west, you could be in for the sight of your life.
It’s not just UFOs out there.
“If they are here, I hope they’re nice,” Musk says.
Large galaxies like the Milky Way do not roam the cosmos alone. Instead, they are surrounded by many smaller companion galaxies. The largest satellite of the Milky Way is called the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and it should be big enough to have its own satellites – but these satellites don’t seem to be there.
A ‘fluffy cloud’ of protein shields water bears’ DNA from radiation, drying and other damage
On this week’s episode of the Dark Poutine podcast, we learn about one of the most investigated UFO events in Canadian history.
Grainy photos of a shadowy figure standing on the banks of Lake James have reignited talk of one or more Bigfoot living in the mountains northwest of Charlotte.
A lunar rover which will explore the moon on foot in 2021 was unveiled in London on Thursday.